Sexual Health
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are very common; in 2008 70,000 cases were reported in Australia, as many go undetected and untreated, the true number will be very much higher.
Unfortunately many STIs can be asymptomatic and when left untreated can cause serious health problems. However, if treated early, these serious outcomes can usually be avoided.
Common symptoms of STIs, when present, include:
unusual discharge
itchiness around the genital area
a burning sensation when peeing
a rash, sores or small lumps on or around the genitals
unusual bleeding e.g. after sex or between periods
pain and swelling in the testicles
pain during sex
It is sensible to have regular sexual health check-ups once you start having sex and when you change sexual partners. You and your partner should both get tested before you stop using condoms. Having a test is simple, quick and painless.
Diagnosis is often as simple as a urine test, treatment a couple of tablets.
We have male and female doctors and, of course, all consultations at Central City Medical Centre are completely confidential - this means we will not disclose anything discussed at your consultation, or even the fact that you had an appointment with us, to anyone without your permission.