Each month Krystal Burt finds out what makes our doctors tick, this month it's Georga Frew.

How would you describe the role of a GP?
The doctor you call “my doctor”, the one you come to first for all ailments. A GP should be at the heart of health care for every individual.
What days to you work?
I work full time Monday-Friday and every third Saturday.
What is the most important thing you have learned while working in medicine?
The human touch in medicine can go a long way to making someone feel better.
If you could only choose one song to play every time you walked into a room for the rest of your life, what would it be?
“Weather With You” by Crowded House – what a classic tune!
‘Every where you go, you always take the weather with you’ – one of my favourite lyrics which reminds me that life is largely what you make it.
What is the hardest part of being a doctor in the modern tech filled world? What is the best?
The hardest part is dealing with the vast amount of incorrect information from Google and online forums.
The best part is that I’ve learnt how to touch-type with all the computer use.
Tips for patients?
Find a doctor who you feel truly has your back, and stick with them. There have been studies showing that those that have a regular GPs have overall better health outcomes and live longer.
Do you have any hobbies or special interests outside of work?
I was raised on a farm that grew native Australian flowers so botany and being in nature are two things that I will always enjoy. I can never get enough of gardening, and learning about new plants. My indoor plant collection of late is quite extensive! I can’t wait to bring some into my office.

Bucket list?
My aim is to defy all odds as a millenial, and crack into the housing market.
What is the best piece of advice you have received?
As you get older, you never look back on life and regret not working harder. But you will always regret not spending more time with friends and family - hold your loved ones close, they can be gone anytime.
Favourite Quote?
Shakespeare’s Hamlet “for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
I have this framed on my desk at home. Reminds me that unnecessary stress will not change an outcome. You are what you think, so you may as well think positive thoughts.
What are your areas of interest in medicine, and why?
I have an interest in lifestyle medicine, which means I take an interest in how our lifestyle affects our overall health. It takes a lot of motvation to change unhealthy habits, and I love to see how I can assist someone in making the right choices.
I also have an interest in mental health – specifically anxiety and depression. We severely underestimate how depression and anxiety affects our overall wellbeing. Mental health is frequently overlooked as it often doesn’t have a physical manifestation. However our health is related to psychological and social factors, not just physical.