Medical Assessments
A robust pre-employment medical will:
Assess the capability of the employee to work safely at the workplace (safety of employee/colleagues/public)
Match mental and physical ability of employee to the job
Provide a baseline against which future assessments can be compared
Result in lower rates of injury, lower lost-injury frequency rates and lower medical costs[1][2][3]
In certain hazardous environments (noise, dust, chemical exposure etc) it is advisable, or indeed a statutory requirement, for employees to have periodic assessments
Senior management have experience and skills that are vital to the ongoing success of your organization. However the very nature of their positions means that, left to their own devices, they often neglect their health making poor lifestyle decisions and fail to maintain an ongoing relationship with their general practitioner. This, coupled with advancing age, puts them at risk of a number of serious health problems. An annual executive medical provides feedback to the individual on their state of health and provides information to enable them to improve their lifestyle, health and working life. With CCMC’s central location, extended opening hours and ready appointment availability, we are perfectly placed to provide any necessary ongoing GP care.
Range of Medicals offered:
Pre-employment Medicals
Periodical Health Assessments
Exit Medicals
Executive Medicals
Mine Health Surveillance Audiometry and Spirometry
HUET (Helicopter Underwater Escape Training) Medicals
Working at Altitude Medicals
Public Transport Authority (PTA) Medicals (Category 1-3)
Shotfiring Medicals
Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) Aviation Medicals
Housekeeping Medicals
Working with Children Medicals
We provide a number of "off the shelf" medicals but will happily create the medical that meets your particular needs.Components you may wish to consider include:
Health Questionnaire: Standard/Detailed/Full Medical History
Physical Measurements - Blood Pressure, Height, Weight, BMI, Abdominal & Chest Circumference
Medical Examination
Skin Cancer Check
Drug testing (instant "Cupkit" testing or AZ/NZS 4308:2008 certified collection for laboratory testing)
Alcohol breath test
Visual Acuity
Colour Vision testing
Phoria (eye alignment) testing
ECG (Electrocardiogram)
Stress ECG (Treadmill)
Aerobic Fitness Test
Functional Assessment
Referral for Chest XRay
[1] Gassoway, J. & Flory, V., 2000, Prework screen: Is it helpful in reducing injuries and costs? Work. 15(2), 101-106.
[2] Nassau, D.W., 1999, The Effects of Prework Functional Screening on Lowering an Employer's Injury Rate, Medical Costs, and Lost Work Days. Spine. 24 (3), 269-274
[3] Rosenblum, K.E & Shanker, A. 2006, A study of the effects of isokinetic pre-employment physical capability screening in the reduction of musculoskeletal disorders in a labor intensive work environment. Work. 26(2):215 - 28